News about Cops For Kids With Cancer
Central Falls RI Disbursement by Kevin Calnan of CFKWC to Rajho Jones
Kevin Calnan of CFKWC, Made a donation to Rajho Jones and his mother Rosey , at the Central Falls, RI. Police Department, We would like to Thank all the members of the CF PD & CF FD who assisted us in today's donation. In photo: Colonel Anthony Roberson, Chief...
CFKWC Representing at the South Boston Day Parade!
Annual “That’s How we Roll” Charity Bowl Off
We would like to thank the members of the Joel Barrett Baseball Team, who participated in the Richardson’s Insurance (Hanover) Annual “That’s How we Roll” Charity Bowl off Last night. Shout out to Adam Hill, who was part of JBB Team, but is also one of Hanover’s...
CFKWC made a donation to Liam Pena and Family at the Braintree Police Department
Yesterday Chief Faherty and Tom Grenham, CFKWC, Made a donation to Liam Pena and Family at the Braintree Police Department. We would like to Thank Chief Tim Cohoon, Mayor Erin Joyce, and officers from BPD and RAMP (Retired Metropolitan Police) for attending this...
Mike Drummy presents a $5,000 check for Ava Blazis
Board member Mike Drummy presents a $5,000 check to Angela Blazis to assist in caring for her daughter, Ava, who is currently undergoing treatment at Dana Farber for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The disbursement took place on 2-20-24 at SP Milbury. Present from left...
CFKWC made a donation at the New Bedford Police Department
Tommy Grenham, CFKWC made a donation at the New Bedford Police Department, L-R: Chief Paul Oliveira, Tommy Grenham, CFKWC, Ana Riz Hernandez, mother of Francisco Riz Hernandez. THANK YOU! Chief Oliveira and all the men and women at NBPD for their assistance.
The Retired association of Metropolitan Police (RAMP) presented a check of $6,375 to CFKWC at Canton PD
Today the Retired association of Metropolitan Police (RAMP) presented a check of $6,375 to CFKWC AT Canton PD Pictured left to right Kevin Calnan of RAMP AND CFKWC,Thomas Dolan RAMP Secretary,Helena Rafferty President of CFKWC,John Banik President of RAMP, Larry...
No Shave November donation accepted from the officers of Weymouth Police Department
Today, Paul Ivens, CFKWC accepted a donation from the officers of Weymouth Police Department, for participating in our No Shave November 2023 campaign. They raised $2,300.00 for the kids we serve. We very much appreciate them being part of our NSN team this year, and...
Jacobs family presented with $5,000 check at the Children’s Hospital in Boston
Yesterday, the Jacobs family was presented with a $5,000 check at the Children’s Hospital in Boston. The family was also presented with toys and other gifts to celebrate Noah’s birthday.Assisting with the presentation was Officer Rachael Hall (Cops for Kids with...