Support Peabody PD’s Fundraiser!
On Monday, October 11, 2020 Peabody Police Sergeant Jim Harkins, Officer Joanna Kamouzis, Peabody Firefighter Michael Coleman, Higgins Middle School Teacher Vincent Raponi, and longtime National Grid employee and Peabody Resident Raymond Brady will be running the 125th Boston Marathon. This Columbus Day we will line up at the starting line in Hopkinton and embark on the 26.2 mile journey to the finish line on Boylston Street. Although this is a grueling physical challenge, it is nothing compared to the challenges that face a family with a child battling cancer. A lot has been said of running “Heartbreak Hill”. Fortunately, that is something we will train for. Unfortunately, nobody can train for the financial and emotional difficulties that come with having a child battling cancer.
As a team, we have committed to raise $50,000 for the organization. With your contribution, we will be able to lessen the financial burden for families all over New England so they can focus their time and energy on their child and their battle against cancer.
Please support Cops for Kids with Cancer so we may never have to deny a struggling family a helping hand.
The Peabody Cops For Kids With Cancer Boston Marathon Team
Peabody PD Marathon 2021
Thank you for donating!
The Murphys
From the Murphys for Craig Welton Ward 1
Mary Diantgikis
Giovanni Galbiati
Eris Kristuli
Good luck tomorrow Vinny, crush it fellow revel
Joel Brenner
Sandi & Paul Drover
Proud of all of you!