We all have the ability to save a life! Please consider becoming a donor!
Tristan Naylor is in need of a stem cell transplant to save his life. Tristan is currently in Boston undergoing multiple rounds of chemotherapy in hopes of eventually finding a match that could cure him and provide him a future!
70% of patients do not have a suitable match within their family- and that’s when they turn to @bethematch. Be The Match connects patients with their unrelated lifesaving match.
Thousands of patients with cancers like Tristan can be cured through a stem cell/bone marrow donation. And YOU could be their matching donor! Registering is free, painless and takes less than 5 minutes. Join online now and a free cheek swab kit will be mailed to your home. (must be between the ages of 18-40 to join).
One simple action can be the difference that gives a patient like Tristan hope for the future.
Text Tristan Strong to 61474 to get a link.