$5,000.00 to the family of Liam Howard

$5,000.00 to the family of Liam Howard

Cops for Kids With Cancer went the Leominster State Police Barracks and made a $5,000.00 to the family of Liam Howard, a 4-year-old boy From Lunenburg who has ALL cancer. Liam is in front holding the check
Victor DePaz

Victor DePaz

On 4-19-18, Cops for Kids with Cancer went to UMass Medical Center in Worcester and gave a $5,000 donation to the family of Victor DePaz, a 3-year old boy from Worcester, who has Embryonal Rhabdomysarcoma. In the photo is Victor with his family and Bob Faherty and...
Cayleigh Gilroy

Cayleigh Gilroy

On Thursday, March 29, 2018, Cops for Kids With Cancer went to the Clinton Police Dept. and made a $5,000 donation to the family of Cayleigh Gilroy, a 3-year old female with ALLL cancer.
Brixton Urbaez

Brixton Urbaez

On 12/12/17 CFKWC went to the Methuen Police Department and made a donation to the family of Brixton Urbaez age 3 yrs. On hand for the donation was Ed McNelley and Mike Drummy of CFKWC, Brixton’s parents Alana and Kadir, Methuen Mayor Zanni, Chief Solomon and...
Gabriel Atton

Gabriel Atton

On 12/11/17 Mike Weir and Maura Flynn of CFKWC, went to Norwood Police Department and made a donation to the family of Gabriel Atton 3yrs. Photo L-R Mike Weir, Maura Flynn, Chief Tony Greeley NFD, Officer Tom Bent of Boston Police Dept., Gabriel’s parents,Mike...