Support Patrick McCrave’s Fundraiser!

Patrick McCrave42 years old. Father of 4. Mass. State Trooper assigned to the Essex County detective unit. 4 marathons. 3 Boston marathons with MSP (2016, 2018 and 2019). Marine Corps marathon in DC in 2019. I run for cops for kids with cancer but I also run in my heart for my father who suffers from Parkinson’s disease. He’s a former marathon runner. He’s been my inspiration for the Boston Marathons. I ran USMC marathon for a fallen friend, USMC Captain Kyle Van De Giesen (10/26/2009, KIA operation enduring freedom).

100% funded
Hey! I've raised $3,858.60 of the $3,000.00 I'm trying to raise for this campaign!

Patrick McCrave 2022

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Donation Total: $25.00

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Tracey Correia

April 13, 2022

Amount Donated

Christina Ronan

April 13, 2022

Amount Donated

Kendalle O'Connell

April 9, 2022

The O'Connell clan is cheering for you!! #LFG

Amount Donated

Katelyn Giliberti

April 8, 2022

Have a great run! Congrats!

Amount Donated

Robert MacDonald

April 3, 2022

Patrick, thank you for the time and effort you have given to these fundraisers. Good Luck!

Amount Donated

Steve Hernandez

April 1, 2022

Best of luck!

Amount Donated

Kimberly Gillespie

April 1, 2022

Amount Donated

Kelleen Forlizzi

April 1, 2022

Amount Donated

Peter Stoehr

April 1, 2022

Let’s go baby! 26.2’s got nothing on you!

Amount Donated

Thomas Ferlito

March 28, 2022

Amount Donated