Kevin Calnan of CFKWC, made two other donations at the Worcester police department. 1st, 17 month old Ephraim Chona and his family. 2nd, 12 yr old Madison Vitello and her family. Group photo- L-R front row. Madisons dad, Ephraim’s mom, Ephraim’s dad, Ephraim , Stephanie (Social worker, Sherry’s house) , Ephraim’s sister , Chief Saucier, Kevin Calnan, CFKWC.
Back Row L-R . PO Chviruk, Sgt. Bonczek , PO Caneen, PO Cappabianca , PO Batista , Lt. Fallon ,Sgt. Grady and Sgt. Roberge.
We would like to Thank the men and women of WPD , for all their assistance in making these donations to both families.