On May 8th, Lt. Hannagan and Sgt. Sal Mirabello, of CFKWC made a donation to the Alves Family at the Framingham Police Department. Taciele Alves is an 8 year old girl battling a brain tumor.
A special thanks to Chief Lester Baker for his incredible support to Cops For Kids With Cancer and to Officer Julie Volk who translated in Portuguese for us!
In the attached photo are the following:
Officer Whiton – Framingham
Sgt Curtis – Framingham
Sgt Crawford – Framingham
Lt. Pini – Framingham
Officer Souza – Framingham
Officer Gonçalves – Framingham
Chief Lester Baker – Framingham
Deputy Chief Riley – Framingham
Board member Lt. Gary Hannagan – Chelmsford Police
Board member Sgt. Sal Mirabella – Emerson College Police
Officer Julie Volk – Framingham
Taciele Alves Clen – 8 yr old recipient
Danubia Alves – Mother
Anderson Clen Silva – Father