Support Peabody PD’s Fundraiser!
This Patriots Day the Peabody Police Boston Marathon Team will embark on a journey to run 26.2 miles in the Boston Marathon. However, this journey is about more than just running the marathon. It’s about why we choose to run. This year, our team consist of Peabody Police Chief Thomas Griffin, Sergeant James Harkins, Peabody Firefighter Michael Coleman, Retired National Grid Forman Raymond Brady, and City of Peabody Mayor Edward “Teddy” Bettencourt. The opportunity to raise money for families battling pediatric cancer is what drives us to train for this annual event. Please consider donating to our team fundraising efforts as we challenge ourselves while helping to make a difference one step at a time.
Peabody PD Marathon Team 2022
Thank you for donating!
Claudio Lopes
Final manual donation
Laura Meisenhelter
To support Chief Griffin and Mayor Bettencourt.
Myles Borash
In Honor and Memory of Raymond's Loyal Service to the U.S.A
Leandra LeClerc
Jessica Silva
Courtney Trahant
Great Job Peadoby PD team!
Debra Marino
Brenda Crovo
Great cause!! Good luck to you all 💙💛