Family of Madison Vitello (age 12) and Ephraim Chona (age 17 months)

Left to right back row:

  • Ofc. Chviruk
  • Sgt. Bonczek
  • Ofc. Caneen
  • Ofc. Cappabianca (sponsor)
  • Ofc. Batista (sponsor)
  • Lt. Fallon (not visible)
  • Sgt. Grady, Sgt. Roberge

Left to right front row:

  • Madison’s dad (holding Madison’s sibling)
  • Ephraim’s mom
  • Ephraim’s dad
  • Ephraim
  • Stephanie (social worker, Sherry’s House)
  • Ephraim’s sibling
  • Chief Saucier
  • Kevin T. Calnan (CFKWC)